Well, as nice as Chapter three is to be up, I've got to say, I didn't find it to be my favorite so far. I just couldn't END It right. If I ever get this all to be drawn out, I'll be sure to make sure it's better than this version. But, still.
Oi... Writer's are never happy with there work, as someone somewhere once said.
So, our heros will find out WHAT's inside the canister next chapter.
I don't really have any idea how it'll go yet...
I'm still not happy with three's Ending, but it will have to do for now.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER THREE!
BEGIN CHAPTER THREE: ROUTINE DAY! Survival of the Scavengers!
'Terra Prime!'
We see Earth, Shattered into a Swiss cheese like consistency, is orbited by several smaller chunks of it's former mass.
'Once a planet of peace and beauty, Now Destroyed; Hopeless to be repaired.'
We pan through mountains and valleys, all part of the former ocean floor. A Crater, every now and again, appears.
'Day to day, the survivors on this lifeless piece of carbon live their lives.'
We see the Tan vehicle connected to the Mobile Command center, driving through the desert that was once the Indian Ocean.
'One group, however, is about to find it even harder to do so...'
Driving the vehicle and it's trailer, is D.T. (currently wearing a tan fight jacket over his long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of camouflage patterned jeans), solely accompanied by his holographic companion, A.I.
"I still think we shouldn't be running towards the falling meteorite!" A.I. complains.
"The further away we are from Kai, the better!" D.T. announces. "He's been silent the past week. Meaning that he's got something up his sleeve."
Inside the trailer's front left corner, we can see T.s. (dressed solely in a loose t-shirt and a pair shorts) watching an old cartoon on a wall mounted screen. "ha-ha! Go Mister Mousy! GO!"
Inside the rear right corner of the trailer, we find M.D. (wearing a doctor's standard white ankle lengthed jacket, buttoned up from the bottom to the collar) reviewing one of his many books on doctoring'. "'Blood flow...' huh?"
'What challenges await these survivors varies from day to day:
'Today, however, will forever be separate from the rest.'
K.I., whom we met last chapter, growls over his loss a week prior. "Without that compy-lampy, I can't finish my grand project!" He stares out over the balcony he stands on into the chamber before him, In which rests a single, Military grade, Inter-Planetary Missile from the early twenty-two-hundreds.
"The Grand Restoration!" he shouts dramatically to enjoy the echo of the chamber. At least he still had SOME things to make him happy.
Wing, the girl mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, sighs. "I think we should just move along without the Cell Port. It should work just fine without it."
K.I. turns to face his lackey. "Oh? And what do you think will happen when, without that kyro-tapper thing." he frowns and smashes his hand into his fist. "The rocket encounters the electromagnetic remnants of the Meteorite? Or encounters a debris field?" K.I. growls, then whispers in Wing's ear. "What will happen is that we. Will." She pales. "Explode." The gulps as her boss pulls away and resumes to staring out at his Missile.
Wing casts a concerned glance at her fellow co-employee of K.I., also mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, Named Fang. He shrugs, signifying that he has no idea what to say.
K.I. frowns as he thinks aloud. "I may, nary just might, be able to work without this Ceramic-thing-a-ma-bob in my possession." He grins as he looks at the one still intact command monitor for trajectory control, currently hooked up (signal wise) to a spy satellite from back in the late Nineteen-Ninety's.
The screen shows Our Mysterious Canister, currently thought to be a meteorite by the surface survivors with access to the Satellites still in orbit, quickly approaching the form of Terra Prime.
K.I. turns to Wing and Fang. "My lads, power up the Power Drill. We've got a trap to set!"
This time Fang glances to Wing with concern.
It is said that all endings are merely beginnings, waiting to be born.
The destruction of the known galaxy could be said to be such a beginning.
The Mysterious canister rushes into Earth's Atmosphere.
For nearly ten years, Terra Prime has been floating, adrift, dead in space.
"Just an object."
No-one can truly know what lies in our future. But, I know one thing.
A plate of metal flings off of the canister, and hurtles down to the desert below.
From Life comes Death, and Like a phoenix, From Death comes Life; Reborn anew for all.
It came suddenly.
D.T. brings the convoy to a sudden halt as Terra Prime's very foundation begins to shake once more. "What the...?!"
"Is it another shattering?!" A.I. asks hurriedly as she performs a quick scan of the world's foundations.
"Look!" D.T. points to the sky.
A Giant fireball, hurtling from seemingly nowhere, smashes through Terra Prime's low quality atmo.
"Sonic Boom." He notes wryly, before starting up the engine again, and revving towards the to-be impact site.
T.s. nearly jumps through the roof as the command center resumes it's trek again. "What is he trying to do, kill us all?!"
"Heads up folks, Looks like it's goanna be a race to the finish!" D.T.'s voice suddenly filters through the nearby radio. "Who do you think will win? Me? or the crashing fireball in the sky?"
T.s. blinks. "What is he talking about?!" A quick glance out the sky light, however, confirms the race. "What is that?!"
M.D. walks into the room at that moment, distracted by his book. "What's what?"
"Just look!" T.s. points up. "D.T.'s driving us towards a crashing...!"
The Trailer suddenly rocks from side to side as an explosion occurs.
"Now what?" M.D. asks.
"We might have a slight problem guys..." D.T.'s voice comes over the radio again.
"A Big problem!" A.I. adds over the channel.
K.I. grins from the gunner's chair on top of his attack vehicle. "I have you now!" He launches off another RPG at the driven vehicle, which, somehow, manages to dodge the rocket.
The massive fireball above K.I. didn't scare him. It however, DID scare his two subordinates.
Wing, as the driver, was having a hard time trying to avoid several pieces of falling fire balls.
Fang, who was reloading his commander's RPG cannon, tried his best at hiding his fear of having his hand torn off by K.I.'s rapid firing.
What neither K.I. nor his crew noticed was that there was a shadow like thing behind them.
What exactly it was, we can-not tell, besides from the fact that it has a very large cannon mounted to the top of it, also painted black.
It fires off a shadow like metallic round at K.I.'s vehicle...
...And sends it deep into a newly formed crater on it's side.
Fang casts a glance into the driver's area at Wing. "Why is it that we always get beaten by someone we don't see?"
She shrugs and looks out after the shadow, now firing it's own rounds at the caravan.
"I think we're in for quite a show!"
As we watch our heroes evading the rounds being fired at them, we can't help but to wonder, why are they being chased? How is D.T. managing to evade so easily without being able to see who's firing at him? Will what's inside the crashing canister ever be of help to the world again? Will things ever pick up faster?
D.T. flips up a guard on his dashboard, revealing a bright, red button. "Time for a "Blam" Moment!" he grins and presses the button, causing the front mounted cannon to turn around a full one hundred eighty degrees, then raise up above the trailer's roof. The cannon pulses with power, and...
...Stalls the engine.
D.T. quickly shouts a curse as the emergency brakes cut in, bringing the tan vehicle and it's trailer to a quick halt meanwhile it's shadowy companion blasts past them at break-neck speeds towards the meteorite touch down zone.
"Well, that wasn't exactly what we were going for." A.I. grins as they spot the shadow vehicle slow down to pull a U-Turn.
D.T. laughs as the meteorite they had been chasing impacts the planet's crater marked surface, right where the shadow chaser happened to be standing at that exact moment. The heat from the blast generates a burst of air against his face when it rushes past. "Now that..."
The smoke starts to settle, revealing the perfectly intact canister.
"That was...What is THAT!?"
'Terra Prime!'
We see Earth, Shattered into a Swiss cheese like consistency, is orbited by several smaller chunks of it's former mass.
'Once a planet of peace and beauty, Now Destroyed; Hopeless to be repaired.'
We pan through mountains and valleys, all part of the former ocean floor. A Crater, every now and again, appears.
'Day to day, the survivors on this lifeless piece of carbon live their lives.'
We see the Tan vehicle connected to the Mobile Command center, driving through the desert that was once the Indian Ocean.
'One group, however, is about to find it even harder to do so...'
Driving the vehicle and it's trailer, is D.T. (currently wearing a tan fight jacket over his long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of camouflage patterned jeans), solely accompanied by his holographic companion, A.I.
"I still think we shouldn't be running towards the falling meteorite!" A.I. complains.
"The further away we are from Kai, the better!" D.T. announces. "He's been silent the past week. Meaning that he's got something up his sleeve."
Inside the trailer's front left corner, we can see T.s. (dressed solely in a loose t-shirt and a pair shorts) watching an old cartoon on a wall mounted screen. "ha-ha! Go Mister Mousy! GO!"
Inside the rear right corner of the trailer, we find M.D. (wearing a doctor's standard white ankle lengthed jacket, buttoned up from the bottom to the collar) reviewing one of his many books on doctoring'. "'Blood flow...' huh?"
'What challenges await these survivors varies from day to day:
'Today, however, will forever be separate from the rest.'
K.I., whom we met last chapter, growls over his loss a week prior. "Without that compy-lampy, I can't finish my grand project!" He stares out over the balcony he stands on into the chamber before him, In which rests a single, Military grade, Inter-Planetary Missile from the early twenty-two-hundreds.
"The Grand Restoration!" he shouts dramatically to enjoy the echo of the chamber. At least he still had SOME things to make him happy.
Wing, the girl mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, sighs. "I think we should just move along without the Cell Port. It should work just fine without it."
K.I. turns to face his lackey. "Oh? And what do you think will happen when, without that kyro-tapper thing." he frowns and smashes his hand into his fist. "The rocket encounters the electromagnetic remnants of the Meteorite? Or encounters a debris field?" K.I. growls, then whispers in Wing's ear. "What will happen is that we. Will." She pales. "Explode." The gulps as her boss pulls away and resumes to staring out at his Missile.
Wing casts a concerned glance at her fellow co-employee of K.I., also mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, Named Fang. He shrugs, signifying that he has no idea what to say.
K.I. frowns as he thinks aloud. "I may, nary just might, be able to work without this Ceramic-thing-a-ma-bob in my possession." He grins as he looks at the one still intact command monitor for trajectory control, currently hooked up (signal wise) to a spy satellite from back in the late Nineteen-Ninety's.
The screen shows Our Mysterious Canister, currently thought to be a meteorite by the surface survivors with access to the Satellites still in orbit, quickly approaching the form of Terra Prime.
K.I. turns to Wing and Fang. "My lads, power up the Power Drill. We've got a trap to set!"
This time Fang glances to Wing with concern.
It is said that all endings are merely beginnings, waiting to be born.
The destruction of the known galaxy could be said to be such a beginning.
The Mysterious canister rushes into Earth's Atmosphere.
For nearly ten years, Terra Prime has been floating, adrift, dead in space.
"Just an object."
No-one can truly know what lies in our future. But, I know one thing.
A plate of metal flings off of the canister, and hurtles down to the desert below.
From Life comes Death, and Like a phoenix, From Death comes Life; Reborn anew for all.
It came suddenly.
D.T. brings the convoy to a sudden halt as Terra Prime's very foundation begins to shake once more. "What the...?!"
"Is it another shattering?!" A.I. asks hurriedly as she performs a quick scan of the world's foundations.
"Look!" D.T. points to the sky.
A Giant fireball, hurtling from seemingly nowhere, smashes through Terra Prime's low quality atmo.
"Sonic Boom." He notes wryly, before starting up the engine again, and revving towards the to-be impact site.
T.s. nearly jumps through the roof as the command center resumes it's trek again. "What is he trying to do, kill us all?!"
"Heads up folks, Looks like it's goanna be a race to the finish!" D.T.'s voice suddenly filters through the nearby radio. "Who do you think will win? Me? or the crashing fireball in the sky?"
T.s. blinks. "What is he talking about?!" A quick glance out the sky light, however, confirms the race. "What is that?!"
M.D. walks into the room at that moment, distracted by his book. "What's what?"
"Just look!" T.s. points up. "D.T.'s driving us towards a crashing...!"
The Trailer suddenly rocks from side to side as an explosion occurs.
"Now what?" M.D. asks.
"We might have a slight problem guys..." D.T.'s voice comes over the radio again.
"A Big problem!" A.I. adds over the channel.
K.I. grins from the gunner's chair on top of his attack vehicle. "I have you now!" He launches off another RPG at the driven vehicle, which, somehow, manages to dodge the rocket.
The massive fireball above K.I. didn't scare him. It however, DID scare his two subordinates.
Wing, as the driver, was having a hard time trying to avoid several pieces of falling fire balls.
Fang, who was reloading his commander's RPG cannon, tried his best at hiding his fear of having his hand torn off by K.I.'s rapid firing.
What neither K.I. nor his crew noticed was that there was a shadow like thing behind them.
What exactly it was, we can-not tell, besides from the fact that it has a very large cannon mounted to the top of it, also painted black.
It fires off a shadow like metallic round at K.I.'s vehicle...
...And sends it deep into a newly formed crater on it's side.
Fang casts a glance into the driver's area at Wing. "Why is it that we always get beaten by someone we don't see?"
She shrugs and looks out after the shadow, now firing it's own rounds at the caravan.
"I think we're in for quite a show!"
As we watch our heroes evading the rounds being fired at them, we can't help but to wonder, why are they being chased? How is D.T. managing to evade so easily without being able to see who's firing at him? Will what's inside the crashing canister ever be of help to the world again? Will things ever pick up faster?
D.T. flips up a guard on his dashboard, revealing a bright, red button. "Time for a "Blam" Moment!" he grins and presses the button, causing the front mounted cannon to turn around a full one hundred eighty degrees, then raise up above the trailer's roof. The cannon pulses with power, and...
...Stalls the engine.
D.T. quickly shouts a curse as the emergency brakes cut in, bringing the tan vehicle and it's trailer to a quick halt meanwhile it's shadowy companion blasts past them at break-neck speeds towards the meteorite touch down zone.
"Well, that wasn't exactly what we were going for." A.I. grins as they spot the shadow vehicle slow down to pull a U-Turn.
D.T. laughs as the meteorite they had been chasing impacts the planet's crater marked surface, right where the shadow chaser happened to be standing at that exact moment. The heat from the blast generates a burst of air against his face when it rushes past. "Now that..."
The smoke starts to settle, revealing the perfectly intact canister.
"That was...What is THAT!?"
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