"Christmas is still a remembered holiday. Although there are no Pine trees to decorate, and there are no new, shiny presents wrapped in pretty paper to be given, and even though there's no fresh, crisp, white snow on the ground down here, The Survivors make by." A.I. narrates to the three children- M.T., M.N., and M.R.- rescued from the canister as she shifts her holographic form into that of what she was saying, a decorated tree, then shiny presents, then back to her normal dragon form. "Any questions?"
M.T. Raises his hand. "So, what do you guys do?"
A.I. grins, and points in the direction of the living room, where, in the middle of the floor space, rests a tree made up of random boxes of all shapes and sizes, all painted green into a solid mass, and having several random items hanging off of it. "Dee builds us a tree every year, and Tess decorates it with things she's found over the year!"
M.R. smiles. "What about gifts?"
A.I. laughs. "We don't get new things, but, we take what we have, and give it someone else every year!" She shifts into a stick figure drawing of two figures trading boxes, then back. "So, we always get new things, and give away the old."
M.N. frowns. "What about us?"
A.I. Grins. "now if I told you, that'd ruin the surprise!"
And So, Over The Next Month As Christmas Grew Closer, M.R., M.T., And M.N. Had To Wonder One Thing: "What Can We Give Our Guardians?"
They Thought, And They Pondered, As Life Continued On By Slowly, Until, One Late Night...
D.T. taps M.T on the head, there by waking him from slumber. "Hey, Kid, C'mon. I've got a job for you."
M.T. wondered what D.T. was doing, dragging him outside during the middle of the night with a pair of shovels and an old Wagon, towards an old Sea Liner stuck on the dried floor, but, he didn't doubt his teacher's wisdom.
"Um, sir..." He started after half an hour's walk. "What are we doing out here?"
D.T. looks at the boy and winks. "Now, if I told you, it'd ruin the surprise."
And So They Walked In Silence, Until D.T. Suddenly stopped short of the boat.
"We're here." He tosses the smaller shovel to M.T. before pushing his own shovel into the ground. "Let's dig."
With No Hesitation, M.T. Joined His Teacher In Digging.
Scrape, Lift, Toss, Scrape, Lift, Toss.
They Dug For A While, Then, Both Hit Something Solid With a THUD.
D.T. looked down at his charge with a smile. "Got it."
"Got what, Sir?" M.T. asks.
"Well..." D.T. starts clearing the soil off of his target. "...I don't know yet!" As a large, wooden box reveals itself, The two diggers grin. "Let's find out, Shall we?"
The Lock hit the dusty ground, shattered by the shovel.
"What do you think's inside, Sir?" M.T. asks.
D.T. lifts the lid open without a sound. "I'm not sure what this is, but I like it."
M.T. looks into the box, and his smile grows. "Well, I know I like it, Sir!"
With Two Weeks Remaining Until Christmas, M.R.'s Interest Was Raised When T.s. Offered To Take Her On A Trip To A Near By Formerly-Underwater Mountain.
"Um, Miss Tess, why are we going out of our way to this Mountain again?" M.R. asks.
The girl smiles. "We're going to get Gifts for everyone."
The Bio-Engineered Child blinks. "But didn't Miss Ai say that there weren't any new Gifts anywhere?"
T.s. sighs. Why this girl was so curious...? "Well, the thing about Christmas is that you can go out and do something for everyone else. In this case, we're going to this mountain to find something everyone can use."
"But why this mountain in particular?" M.R. asks.
T.s. bends down to the girl's eye level. "Because, Mira, See all these boats scattered around us?"
A glance around confirms it. This seemed to be a grave yard for old boats. "Yeah. What is it?"
"This is a place where there was a battle. A very High Tech battle." T.s. grins. "Some amazing stuff survived, and We're gonna find it all!"
And So, With One Week Left Until Christmas, M.N. Sat Patiently In M.D.'s Lab, Watching Him Look For Something Inside His Desk.
"C'mon...where is it...?" M.D. growls as he starts searching his diminishing stock of Supplies for... whatever.
"Where's what, Uncle Doc?" M.N. asks in a sweet, lightly toned voice.
"This...Ow!" M.D. bangs his head against the cabinet door. "...This Kit I've had since this whole thing began." He looks around the room, holding his hand to the back of his head. "It's got all these colored beads, and lots of string, and Yarn, and Whatever else you can imagine." He looks to the Girl with Blue eyes. "I've been saving it for a special occasion. It's basically a 'make a bracelet' or 'make a necklace' kit." The doc smiles. "I figure, why not make gifts for everyone with it?"
At this, M.N. smiles. "That sounds fun."
M.D. smiles back. "That it is, My little Star."
"What does this box look like?" M.N. asks as she slides down off her chair. "Maybe I can help you find it, Uncle Doc!"
M.D. smiles. "It's Blue, kinda flat, but rectangular; And it has this fancy stylized G on the cover."
M.N. looks around the room for a moment, before point up to a blue form wedged between two small file cabinets. "Like that one?"
M.D. looks at the form, and smiles. "Exactly like that one!"
Soon, Christmas Eve Came And Past, Leading Right Into That Day Of Gifts.
A.I. turns her holographic form on, slightly earlier in the morning than usual, and hops about the command center, retrieving the gifts from their respective hiding places, and dragging them under the tree. "There sure are a lot of gifts this year!" she notes with a yawn before heading over to an old CD player, placing in a Christmas music CD, turning it on, and then heading to the kitchen to start cooking the Survivor's breakfast. Surely the smell of freshly baked goods would wake them up.
Indeed, in a few moments, the M siblings came lazily drifting into the room, half asleep, and driven by smell alone.
"Wow..." M.T. smiles, looking the make-up tree with dozens of presents underneath. "That's a lot of stuff!"
M.R. nods. "Yeah..." She looks at her brother. "I only got a third of that."
M.T. nods. "Same here."
M.N. just smiles.
Another few minutes pass before D.T. walks in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes mid-yawn. He looks at the tree for a few moments before blinking. "Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a full tree?"
M.T. and M.R. nod in unison. "Yup yup!"
T.s. comes in a moment later, dragging the Doc by his arm.
"Nanny....I wanna sleep with the fishies..." he grumbles tiredly.
"Too...ngh...bad!" T.s. drops him onto the floor next to the table before taking her seat. "And I am NOT your 'Nanny'!"
"Did ya see the tree yet?" D.T. gestures to the conglomeration.
T.s. takes a look, then smiles. "hey, would you look at that!"
"look at what?" M.D. pulls himself up into his chair.
After A Filling Breakfast Of The Very Rare Pancakes And Waffles, The Survivors Gather Around The Tree.
"So...Who wants to go first?" T.s. asks.
M.R. raises her arm. "Me! Me! MeMeMeMeMe! MEEEE!"
D.T. laughs. "Okay, you can go first!"
"yippie!" The Girl's Light blue eyes scan the pile for a gift with her name on it. "here's one!" She snags a small medical glove box that had the logo scratched of, and had her name written on it. "Mister Doc, right?"
M.D. smiles. "Well, Mata here helped too."
M.N. smiles shyly. "It was nothing."
M.R. grins before pushing her arm into the box, and pulling out a white beaded necklace with her Initials spelled out on it in Light blue. "ooooh! Pretty!"
With a frown, D.T. picks up a similar package, only with his name on it. "And I thought we agreed to stick to the same routine as last year."
M.D. shrugs. "I figured we needed a change of pace."
D.T. puts his gift down, and looks over to M.T. "We go last, okay?"
"If you say so, Sir." M.T. says as he places his shiny new beaded bracelet, Black with Green text, around his wrist.
T.s. sighs as she places her necklace around her neck, then pulls out several random items out from under the tree. "Well, You just had to ruin the surprise, Doc." She hands him a light weight device. "We broke the 'trade only' rule too."
M.R. grins. "But I'm sure you'll all like 'em!"
D.T. opens the gift handed to him, finding an MP3 Player. "From the Two-Thousands to The Forty-Seconds, Mp3s never go out of style." He looks to T.s. and smiles. "Thanks."
She smiles. "De nada. No Problem!"
The Doc nearly faints at his gift, a pristine, mint, sealed in box Medical Scanner from the year 2328. M.N. opens her gift to find a digital coloring book.
"You're welcome." M.R. smiles.
M.T. removed the paper off of his gift, and found that he received a Serrated edged knife. "Why did you give me a knife?"
T.s. laughs. "The button on the handle extends the blade on a micro fiber lengthened pole."
"You can impale your enemies at Sixteen Hundred Feet!" M.R. chimes in.
M.T. looks at his blade in awe. "Not sure when I'd ever want to do that, but thanks!"
D.T. places his hand on his student's shoulder. "Never point that at Doc, okay? He can't fix us if he's hurt."
M.T. laughs. "Gotcha!"
M.D. frowns. "Not funny."
"Well, our turn." D.T. smiles, before he reaches out, and drags the wooden chest, simply labeled "To Everyone", out from under the tree. "Since everyone else already broke the rule, I suppose it's only fare that we did as well."
"Presenting...!" M.T. stands up, and kicks the broken lock on the chest, causing the lid to open. "The Mysterious Object that no-one can identify! TeeEm!"
Indeed, inside the wooden crate was a silver cube with several engravings on the side, making some sort of image when laved out side by side.
Everyone in the room gives an "oooh!" or an "aaah!" at the sight of the cube.
"I wonder what it is...!" A.I. starts.
"No clue, but it's pretty shiny, eh?" D.T. smiles.
"aww..." T.s. reaches out and pulls him, and M.D. into a hug. "You guys are the best!"
As if on cue, the children join in the hug.
A.I. laughs, then hovers on top of the pile. "Merry Christmas everyone!!!"
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Post-Chapter Four
Well, this turned out better than I expected.
I don't know WHERE I'm going with this anymore.
Well, I hope you readers enjoy/ed it! I had a bout of writer's block for a while there, combined with a bit {Read: A LOT!} of stress durring the week.
I'll TRY to make some sort of sembelance of a new routine with this next chapter.
I don't know WHERE I'm going with this anymore.
Well, I hope you readers enjoy/ed it! I had a bout of writer's block for a while there, combined with a bit {Read: A LOT!} of stress durring the week.
I'll TRY to make some sort of sembelance of a new routine with this next chapter.
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER FOUR!
T.s. glares at the canister, all round and...shiny. "So...You found this thing in space weeks ago?"
A.I. chirps affirmatively. "Yup yup!"
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
D.T. Nods. "Yes."
T.s. the points to the canister. "This was falling THROUGH the atmosphere, and we were driving towards it's touchdown?"
A.I. laughs. "We were going to stop just short of the blast range!"
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
D.T. nods again. "Yeah."
T.s. kicks a piece of metal that seemingly was torn off of the canister, yet, seemingly did not. "And it's in ONE solid piece, even after chunks of it got torn off during re-entry?"
A.I. nods. "Looks like."
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
A.I., D.T., and T.s. glare at their doctor. "FOR THE LAST TIME DOC! YES, YES IT DID FALL ON THEM!"
M.D. gulps, then shows the device on his wrist, with six red dots on it's screen. "Then why am I picking up three extra life signs on my scanner?"
"Let me run a system check..." A.I.'s holographic form vanishes for a few seconds, before returning. "I'm picking up three life signs INSIDE the canister, guys!"
D.T. looks at the silvery shiny canister. "Tess, get the blow torch."
T.S. grins. "About time!"
A few minutes later....
T.s. extinguishes the torch, then raises the mask on her face with a grin.
A moment later, the front end of the canister falls loose with a THUD, revealing six smaller canisters wedged inside.
" it's like one of those little Russian dolls with more of them inside each other." M.D. blinks. "Why are there six canisters and only three life signs?"
A.I. hovers over towards to one of the canisters, inspecting several burn marks and exposed wiring. "It looks like they got hit by some sort of energy pulse..." She pauses. "...If it happened on other worlds, too, then...."
D.T. cuts the hologram off. "Can we get the survivors out safely?"
A.I. hops to one of the un-damaged canisters and nods. "Yeah! These three are undamaged!"
"Let's get them out of there then, who know how long the life support will last with the casing cut into." M.D. starts as he goes for one of the un-damaged canisters with a life sign inside when it, and the other two undamaged canisters slide out of the main fuselage.
T.s. blinks. "That was easy..."
Then, the canisters split in half with a burst of frost ridden air, and the top halves lift up, revealing a small form inside each canister, however obscured by the frost.
"Or not..." She finishes as the frosty air vanishes, leaving the forms identifiable. Children. No older than six. One boy, two girls.
M.D. blinks. "So...If we go by a two by two pair...then these other three canisters have two boys, and one girl."
A.I. nods. "Kinda sad when you think about it..."
"No doubt." T.s. sighs.
D.T. cuts them off. "Let's just get these three into Doc's office for now. We can worry about their 'life-mates' later, okay?"
T.s. and A.I. nod.
The video feed from the shadow chaser cuts short abruptly.
A gun fires off randomly into the air.
"What was that!?" a female voice shouts. "Seriously: What? Was? THAT!?"
" we have to go through this every single time our cruiser gets crushed?" Another female voice asks.
A male voice cuts in. "I'd like to know what that was too. A meteorite?"
"It was probably whatever everyone and their neighbor's been tracking." The second voice starts. "And only the devil knows why."
The sound of a rolling engine brought one of the two girl's mind to attention.
The cryo-induced coma effects were still lingering in her system, but, she knew enough to know that something was different from the last semi-awake course adjustment she had experienced.
"....I think....waking up!" came a childish voice to the girl's ears. Okay, she wasn't inside her cryo pod, that much was certain for her clearing mind.
"...akey...eggs...ey...ey!!" comes another kid like voice. "...She....right?"
Enough of this, the girl decided as she opened her eyes, not expecting a bright medical lamp to force her to weld them shut again. She groaned.
"Oi, Oi! Don't do that!" M.D. orders as he turns the lamp off, glaring at the other two children, rescued from the canister. "Her eyes are still adjusting like your's are."
The boy, approximately six, had strange, glowing green eyes, and dark brown- near black- hair. The girl next to him, around the same age, had pale white hair, and shining light blue eyes. Both frowned at M.D.'s outburst, and looked to their genetically identical, yet seemingly different, sibling/clone: The girl on the table, who was currently blinking the sleep out her eyes, had golden hair and crystal blue eyes, as bright as the sky itself.
The Boy and the girl nod in understanding. "We understand."
"So...Uh..." M.D. sighs. He was never good with kids. Not that there were that many kids around on Terra Prime now-a-days, considering that the current generation had mostly been kids to begin with. "...I'm Em Dee, The doctor of this here rag-tag team, so you can just call me 'Doc', Everyone does." he shrugs. "What are your names?"
The Boy starts with a monotone voice. "Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Four-Two, Em Tee."
"Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Five-Three, Em Ar." The girl continues, also monotone, pointing at herself, then to her sibling/clone on the table. "Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Zero-Zero, Em En."
M.D. blinks, not expecting the serialized numbers. "That answers a few questions."
"Like what?" the boy and girl ask, back to their normal tone of voice.
"Well...I'd rather Dee and Tess were here and that your...sis...were awake fully before I go explaining." M.D. starts, looking at the oddly named M. Siblings- Calling them 'Clones' somehow just...didn't sound right to M.D- in turn, The Girl (M.N.) on the table, then the boy (M.T.) and girl (M.R.) sitting on the counter. He sighs. "So, what does the 'Em' stand for in your names?"
They blink. "Huh?"
"You know, My name, 'Em Dee', is short for 'Medical Degree'. So, what does the...?"
"Meta-Works Construction." M.T. and M.R. state simultaneously, again, in Monotone, cutting M.D. off.
M.D. blinks again, he'd have to tell D.T. and T.s. about this sooner rather than later.
K.I. grins a happy grin as his now-slightly-damaged attack craft comes to a halt. "Oh happy day! Happy Day!"
Wing and Fang however, can't figure out why a sawed in half canister over smoldering wreckage would make their boss so happy.
"Let's get this chained up." K.I. orders, dismounting his seat and walking over to the canister. "We may just have something better than Dee's fancy little compy-puu!" He smirks. "Right under our noses, too..."
As Wing and Fang quickly work to connect chains from their craft to the canister and the wreckage, K.I. notes a camera that had been knocked loose from the shadow vehicle. He picks it up, and notices that it's still broadcasting a weak signal. "We'll see about that."
With a huff, K.I. tosses the camera off into the distance.
T.s. glares at the canister, all round and...shiny. "So...You found this thing in space weeks ago?"
A.I. chirps affirmatively. "Yup yup!"
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
D.T. Nods. "Yes."
T.s. the points to the canister. "This was falling THROUGH the atmosphere, and we were driving towards it's touchdown?"
A.I. laughs. "We were going to stop just short of the blast range!"
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
D.T. nods again. "Yeah."
T.s. kicks a piece of metal that seemingly was torn off of the canister, yet, seemingly did not. "And it's in ONE solid piece, even after chunks of it got torn off during re-entry?"
A.I. nods. "Looks like."
M.D. blinks. "And it fell on the guys chasing us?"
A.I., D.T., and T.s. glare at their doctor. "FOR THE LAST TIME DOC! YES, YES IT DID FALL ON THEM!"
M.D. gulps, then shows the device on his wrist, with six red dots on it's screen. "Then why am I picking up three extra life signs on my scanner?"
"Let me run a system check..." A.I.'s holographic form vanishes for a few seconds, before returning. "I'm picking up three life signs INSIDE the canister, guys!"
D.T. looks at the silvery shiny canister. "Tess, get the blow torch."
T.S. grins. "About time!"
A few minutes later....
T.s. extinguishes the torch, then raises the mask on her face with a grin.
A moment later, the front end of the canister falls loose with a THUD, revealing six smaller canisters wedged inside.
" it's like one of those little Russian dolls with more of them inside each other." M.D. blinks. "Why are there six canisters and only three life signs?"
A.I. hovers over towards to one of the canisters, inspecting several burn marks and exposed wiring. "It looks like they got hit by some sort of energy pulse..." She pauses. "...If it happened on other worlds, too, then...."
D.T. cuts the hologram off. "Can we get the survivors out safely?"
A.I. hops to one of the un-damaged canisters and nods. "Yeah! These three are undamaged!"
"Let's get them out of there then, who know how long the life support will last with the casing cut into." M.D. starts as he goes for one of the un-damaged canisters with a life sign inside when it, and the other two undamaged canisters slide out of the main fuselage.
T.s. blinks. "That was easy..."
Then, the canisters split in half with a burst of frost ridden air, and the top halves lift up, revealing a small form inside each canister, however obscured by the frost.
"Or not..." She finishes as the frosty air vanishes, leaving the forms identifiable. Children. No older than six. One boy, two girls.
M.D. blinks. "So...If we go by a two by two pair...then these other three canisters have two boys, and one girl."
A.I. nods. "Kinda sad when you think about it..."
"No doubt." T.s. sighs.
D.T. cuts them off. "Let's just get these three into Doc's office for now. We can worry about their 'life-mates' later, okay?"
T.s. and A.I. nod.
The video feed from the shadow chaser cuts short abruptly.
A gun fires off randomly into the air.
"What was that!?" a female voice shouts. "Seriously: What? Was? THAT!?"
" we have to go through this every single time our cruiser gets crushed?" Another female voice asks.
A male voice cuts in. "I'd like to know what that was too. A meteorite?"
"It was probably whatever everyone and their neighbor's been tracking." The second voice starts. "And only the devil knows why."
The sound of a rolling engine brought one of the two girl's mind to attention.
The cryo-induced coma effects were still lingering in her system, but, she knew enough to know that something was different from the last semi-awake course adjustment she had experienced.
"....I think....waking up!" came a childish voice to the girl's ears. Okay, she wasn't inside her cryo pod, that much was certain for her clearing mind.
"...akey...eggs...ey...ey!!" comes another kid like voice. "...She....right?"
Enough of this, the girl decided as she opened her eyes, not expecting a bright medical lamp to force her to weld them shut again. She groaned.
"Oi, Oi! Don't do that!" M.D. orders as he turns the lamp off, glaring at the other two children, rescued from the canister. "Her eyes are still adjusting like your's are."
The boy, approximately six, had strange, glowing green eyes, and dark brown- near black- hair. The girl next to him, around the same age, had pale white hair, and shining light blue eyes. Both frowned at M.D.'s outburst, and looked to their genetically identical, yet seemingly different, sibling/clone: The girl on the table, who was currently blinking the sleep out her eyes, had golden hair and crystal blue eyes, as bright as the sky itself.
The Boy and the girl nod in understanding. "We understand."
"So...Uh..." M.D. sighs. He was never good with kids. Not that there were that many kids around on Terra Prime now-a-days, considering that the current generation had mostly been kids to begin with. "...I'm Em Dee, The doctor of this here rag-tag team, so you can just call me 'Doc', Everyone does." he shrugs. "What are your names?"
The Boy starts with a monotone voice. "Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Four-Two, Em Tee."
"Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Five-Three, Em Ar." The girl continues, also monotone, pointing at herself, then to her sibling/clone on the table. "Bio-Ident. Eight-Seven-Six-Zero-Zero, Em En."
M.D. blinks, not expecting the serialized numbers. "That answers a few questions."
"Like what?" the boy and girl ask, back to their normal tone of voice.
"Well...I'd rather Dee and Tess were here and that your...sis...were awake fully before I go explaining." M.D. starts, looking at the oddly named M. Siblings- Calling them 'Clones' somehow just...didn't sound right to M.D- in turn, The Girl (M.N.) on the table, then the boy (M.T.) and girl (M.R.) sitting on the counter. He sighs. "So, what does the 'Em' stand for in your names?"
They blink. "Huh?"
"You know, My name, 'Em Dee', is short for 'Medical Degree'. So, what does the...?"
"Meta-Works Construction." M.T. and M.R. state simultaneously, again, in Monotone, cutting M.D. off.
M.D. blinks again, he'd have to tell D.T. and T.s. about this sooner rather than later.
K.I. grins a happy grin as his now-slightly-damaged attack craft comes to a halt. "Oh happy day! Happy Day!"
Wing and Fang however, can't figure out why a sawed in half canister over smoldering wreckage would make their boss so happy.
"Let's get this chained up." K.I. orders, dismounting his seat and walking over to the canister. "We may just have something better than Dee's fancy little compy-puu!" He smirks. "Right under our noses, too..."
As Wing and Fang quickly work to connect chains from their craft to the canister and the wreckage, K.I. notes a camera that had been knocked loose from the shadow vehicle. He picks it up, and notices that it's still broadcasting a weak signal. "We'll see about that."
With a huff, K.I. tosses the camera off into the distance.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
RE: Chapter Three.
Well, as nice as Chapter three is to be up, I've got to say, I didn't find it to be my favorite so far. I just couldn't END It right. If I ever get this all to be drawn out, I'll be sure to make sure it's better than this version. But, still.
Oi... Writer's are never happy with there work, as someone somewhere once said.
So, our heros will find out WHAT's inside the canister next chapter.
I don't really have any idea how it'll go yet...
I'm still not happy with three's Ending, but it will have to do for now.
Oi... Writer's are never happy with there work, as someone somewhere once said.
So, our heros will find out WHAT's inside the canister next chapter.
I don't really have any idea how it'll go yet...
I'm still not happy with three's Ending, but it will have to do for now.
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER THREE!
BEGIN CHAPTER THREE: ROUTINE DAY! Survival of the Scavengers!
'Terra Prime!'
We see Earth, Shattered into a Swiss cheese like consistency, is orbited by several smaller chunks of it's former mass.
'Once a planet of peace and beauty, Now Destroyed; Hopeless to be repaired.'
We pan through mountains and valleys, all part of the former ocean floor. A Crater, every now and again, appears.
'Day to day, the survivors on this lifeless piece of carbon live their lives.'
We see the Tan vehicle connected to the Mobile Command center, driving through the desert that was once the Indian Ocean.
'One group, however, is about to find it even harder to do so...'
Driving the vehicle and it's trailer, is D.T. (currently wearing a tan fight jacket over his long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of camouflage patterned jeans), solely accompanied by his holographic companion, A.I.
"I still think we shouldn't be running towards the falling meteorite!" A.I. complains.
"The further away we are from Kai, the better!" D.T. announces. "He's been silent the past week. Meaning that he's got something up his sleeve."
Inside the trailer's front left corner, we can see T.s. (dressed solely in a loose t-shirt and a pair shorts) watching an old cartoon on a wall mounted screen. "ha-ha! Go Mister Mousy! GO!"
Inside the rear right corner of the trailer, we find M.D. (wearing a doctor's standard white ankle lengthed jacket, buttoned up from the bottom to the collar) reviewing one of his many books on doctoring'. "'Blood flow...' huh?"
'What challenges await these survivors varies from day to day:
'Today, however, will forever be separate from the rest.'
K.I., whom we met last chapter, growls over his loss a week prior. "Without that compy-lampy, I can't finish my grand project!" He stares out over the balcony he stands on into the chamber before him, In which rests a single, Military grade, Inter-Planetary Missile from the early twenty-two-hundreds.
"The Grand Restoration!" he shouts dramatically to enjoy the echo of the chamber. At least he still had SOME things to make him happy.
Wing, the girl mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, sighs. "I think we should just move along without the Cell Port. It should work just fine without it."
K.I. turns to face his lackey. "Oh? And what do you think will happen when, without that kyro-tapper thing." he frowns and smashes his hand into his fist. "The rocket encounters the electromagnetic remnants of the Meteorite? Or encounters a debris field?" K.I. growls, then whispers in Wing's ear. "What will happen is that we. Will." She pales. "Explode." The gulps as her boss pulls away and resumes to staring out at his Missile.
Wing casts a concerned glance at her fellow co-employee of K.I., also mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, Named Fang. He shrugs, signifying that he has no idea what to say.
K.I. frowns as he thinks aloud. "I may, nary just might, be able to work without this Ceramic-thing-a-ma-bob in my possession." He grins as he looks at the one still intact command monitor for trajectory control, currently hooked up (signal wise) to a spy satellite from back in the late Nineteen-Ninety's.
The screen shows Our Mysterious Canister, currently thought to be a meteorite by the surface survivors with access to the Satellites still in orbit, quickly approaching the form of Terra Prime.
K.I. turns to Wing and Fang. "My lads, power up the Power Drill. We've got a trap to set!"
This time Fang glances to Wing with concern.
It is said that all endings are merely beginnings, waiting to be born.
The destruction of the known galaxy could be said to be such a beginning.
The Mysterious canister rushes into Earth's Atmosphere.
For nearly ten years, Terra Prime has been floating, adrift, dead in space.
"Just an object."
No-one can truly know what lies in our future. But, I know one thing.
A plate of metal flings off of the canister, and hurtles down to the desert below.
From Life comes Death, and Like a phoenix, From Death comes Life; Reborn anew for all.
It came suddenly.
D.T. brings the convoy to a sudden halt as Terra Prime's very foundation begins to shake once more. "What the...?!"
"Is it another shattering?!" A.I. asks hurriedly as she performs a quick scan of the world's foundations.
"Look!" D.T. points to the sky.
A Giant fireball, hurtling from seemingly nowhere, smashes through Terra Prime's low quality atmo.
"Sonic Boom." He notes wryly, before starting up the engine again, and revving towards the to-be impact site.
T.s. nearly jumps through the roof as the command center resumes it's trek again. "What is he trying to do, kill us all?!"
"Heads up folks, Looks like it's goanna be a race to the finish!" D.T.'s voice suddenly filters through the nearby radio. "Who do you think will win? Me? or the crashing fireball in the sky?"
T.s. blinks. "What is he talking about?!" A quick glance out the sky light, however, confirms the race. "What is that?!"
M.D. walks into the room at that moment, distracted by his book. "What's what?"
"Just look!" T.s. points up. "D.T.'s driving us towards a crashing...!"
The Trailer suddenly rocks from side to side as an explosion occurs.
"Now what?" M.D. asks.
"We might have a slight problem guys..." D.T.'s voice comes over the radio again.
"A Big problem!" A.I. adds over the channel.
K.I. grins from the gunner's chair on top of his attack vehicle. "I have you now!" He launches off another RPG at the driven vehicle, which, somehow, manages to dodge the rocket.
The massive fireball above K.I. didn't scare him. It however, DID scare his two subordinates.
Wing, as the driver, was having a hard time trying to avoid several pieces of falling fire balls.
Fang, who was reloading his commander's RPG cannon, tried his best at hiding his fear of having his hand torn off by K.I.'s rapid firing.
What neither K.I. nor his crew noticed was that there was a shadow like thing behind them.
What exactly it was, we can-not tell, besides from the fact that it has a very large cannon mounted to the top of it, also painted black.
It fires off a shadow like metallic round at K.I.'s vehicle...
...And sends it deep into a newly formed crater on it's side.
Fang casts a glance into the driver's area at Wing. "Why is it that we always get beaten by someone we don't see?"
She shrugs and looks out after the shadow, now firing it's own rounds at the caravan.
"I think we're in for quite a show!"
As we watch our heroes evading the rounds being fired at them, we can't help but to wonder, why are they being chased? How is D.T. managing to evade so easily without being able to see who's firing at him? Will what's inside the crashing canister ever be of help to the world again? Will things ever pick up faster?
D.T. flips up a guard on his dashboard, revealing a bright, red button. "Time for a "Blam" Moment!" he grins and presses the button, causing the front mounted cannon to turn around a full one hundred eighty degrees, then raise up above the trailer's roof. The cannon pulses with power, and...
...Stalls the engine.
D.T. quickly shouts a curse as the emergency brakes cut in, bringing the tan vehicle and it's trailer to a quick halt meanwhile it's shadowy companion blasts past them at break-neck speeds towards the meteorite touch down zone.
"Well, that wasn't exactly what we were going for." A.I. grins as they spot the shadow vehicle slow down to pull a U-Turn.
D.T. laughs as the meteorite they had been chasing impacts the planet's crater marked surface, right where the shadow chaser happened to be standing at that exact moment. The heat from the blast generates a burst of air against his face when it rushes past. "Now that..."
The smoke starts to settle, revealing the perfectly intact canister.
"That was...What is THAT!?"
'Terra Prime!'
We see Earth, Shattered into a Swiss cheese like consistency, is orbited by several smaller chunks of it's former mass.
'Once a planet of peace and beauty, Now Destroyed; Hopeless to be repaired.'
We pan through mountains and valleys, all part of the former ocean floor. A Crater, every now and again, appears.
'Day to day, the survivors on this lifeless piece of carbon live their lives.'
We see the Tan vehicle connected to the Mobile Command center, driving through the desert that was once the Indian Ocean.
'One group, however, is about to find it even harder to do so...'
Driving the vehicle and it's trailer, is D.T. (currently wearing a tan fight jacket over his long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of camouflage patterned jeans), solely accompanied by his holographic companion, A.I.
"I still think we shouldn't be running towards the falling meteorite!" A.I. complains.
"The further away we are from Kai, the better!" D.T. announces. "He's been silent the past week. Meaning that he's got something up his sleeve."
Inside the trailer's front left corner, we can see T.s. (dressed solely in a loose t-shirt and a pair shorts) watching an old cartoon on a wall mounted screen. "ha-ha! Go Mister Mousy! GO!"
Inside the rear right corner of the trailer, we find M.D. (wearing a doctor's standard white ankle lengthed jacket, buttoned up from the bottom to the collar) reviewing one of his many books on doctoring'. "'Blood flow...' huh?"
'What challenges await these survivors varies from day to day:
'Today, however, will forever be separate from the rest.'
K.I., whom we met last chapter, growls over his loss a week prior. "Without that compy-lampy, I can't finish my grand project!" He stares out over the balcony he stands on into the chamber before him, In which rests a single, Military grade, Inter-Planetary Missile from the early twenty-two-hundreds.
"The Grand Restoration!" he shouts dramatically to enjoy the echo of the chamber. At least he still had SOME things to make him happy.
Wing, the girl mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, sighs. "I think we should just move along without the Cell Port. It should work just fine without it."
K.I. turns to face his lackey. "Oh? And what do you think will happen when, without that kyro-tapper thing." he frowns and smashes his hand into his fist. "The rocket encounters the electromagnetic remnants of the Meteorite? Or encounters a debris field?" K.I. growls, then whispers in Wing's ear. "What will happen is that we. Will." She pales. "Explode." The gulps as her boss pulls away and resumes to staring out at his Missile.
Wing casts a concerned glance at her fellow co-employee of K.I., also mysteriously trained in a Samurai Sword, Named Fang. He shrugs, signifying that he has no idea what to say.
K.I. frowns as he thinks aloud. "I may, nary just might, be able to work without this Ceramic-thing-a-ma-bob in my possession." He grins as he looks at the one still intact command monitor for trajectory control, currently hooked up (signal wise) to a spy satellite from back in the late Nineteen-Ninety's.
The screen shows Our Mysterious Canister, currently thought to be a meteorite by the surface survivors with access to the Satellites still in orbit, quickly approaching the form of Terra Prime.
K.I. turns to Wing and Fang. "My lads, power up the Power Drill. We've got a trap to set!"
This time Fang glances to Wing with concern.
It is said that all endings are merely beginnings, waiting to be born.
The destruction of the known galaxy could be said to be such a beginning.
The Mysterious canister rushes into Earth's Atmosphere.
For nearly ten years, Terra Prime has been floating, adrift, dead in space.
"Just an object."
No-one can truly know what lies in our future. But, I know one thing.
A plate of metal flings off of the canister, and hurtles down to the desert below.
From Life comes Death, and Like a phoenix, From Death comes Life; Reborn anew for all.
It came suddenly.
D.T. brings the convoy to a sudden halt as Terra Prime's very foundation begins to shake once more. "What the...?!"
"Is it another shattering?!" A.I. asks hurriedly as she performs a quick scan of the world's foundations.
"Look!" D.T. points to the sky.
A Giant fireball, hurtling from seemingly nowhere, smashes through Terra Prime's low quality atmo.
"Sonic Boom." He notes wryly, before starting up the engine again, and revving towards the to-be impact site.
T.s. nearly jumps through the roof as the command center resumes it's trek again. "What is he trying to do, kill us all?!"
"Heads up folks, Looks like it's goanna be a race to the finish!" D.T.'s voice suddenly filters through the nearby radio. "Who do you think will win? Me? or the crashing fireball in the sky?"
T.s. blinks. "What is he talking about?!" A quick glance out the sky light, however, confirms the race. "What is that?!"
M.D. walks into the room at that moment, distracted by his book. "What's what?"
"Just look!" T.s. points up. "D.T.'s driving us towards a crashing...!"
The Trailer suddenly rocks from side to side as an explosion occurs.
"Now what?" M.D. asks.
"We might have a slight problem guys..." D.T.'s voice comes over the radio again.
"A Big problem!" A.I. adds over the channel.
K.I. grins from the gunner's chair on top of his attack vehicle. "I have you now!" He launches off another RPG at the driven vehicle, which, somehow, manages to dodge the rocket.
The massive fireball above K.I. didn't scare him. It however, DID scare his two subordinates.
Wing, as the driver, was having a hard time trying to avoid several pieces of falling fire balls.
Fang, who was reloading his commander's RPG cannon, tried his best at hiding his fear of having his hand torn off by K.I.'s rapid firing.
What neither K.I. nor his crew noticed was that there was a shadow like thing behind them.
What exactly it was, we can-not tell, besides from the fact that it has a very large cannon mounted to the top of it, also painted black.
It fires off a shadow like metallic round at K.I.'s vehicle...
...And sends it deep into a newly formed crater on it's side.
Fang casts a glance into the driver's area at Wing. "Why is it that we always get beaten by someone we don't see?"
She shrugs and looks out after the shadow, now firing it's own rounds at the caravan.
"I think we're in for quite a show!"
As we watch our heroes evading the rounds being fired at them, we can't help but to wonder, why are they being chased? How is D.T. managing to evade so easily without being able to see who's firing at him? Will what's inside the crashing canister ever be of help to the world again? Will things ever pick up faster?
D.T. flips up a guard on his dashboard, revealing a bright, red button. "Time for a "Blam" Moment!" he grins and presses the button, causing the front mounted cannon to turn around a full one hundred eighty degrees, then raise up above the trailer's roof. The cannon pulses with power, and...
...Stalls the engine.
D.T. quickly shouts a curse as the emergency brakes cut in, bringing the tan vehicle and it's trailer to a quick halt meanwhile it's shadowy companion blasts past them at break-neck speeds towards the meteorite touch down zone.
"Well, that wasn't exactly what we were going for." A.I. grins as they spot the shadow vehicle slow down to pull a U-Turn.
D.T. laughs as the meteorite they had been chasing impacts the planet's crater marked surface, right where the shadow chaser happened to be standing at that exact moment. The heat from the blast generates a burst of air against his face when it rushes past. "Now that..."
The smoke starts to settle, revealing the perfectly intact canister.
"That was...What is THAT!?"
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER TWO!
"What do you want this time, Kai?" T.s. growls.
"Oh, Nothing much." K.I. grins. "Just that fancy tip jar of yours."
"It's LAPTOP." D.T. corrects.
"Yes, yes, your fancy Clip-Car thing-a-ma-bob!" K.I. laughs. "Isn't that what I said?"
"Why do you want Ai for anyways?" T.s. asks.
"Ahh, deer, sweet, Tess." K.I. sighs. "Do I really have to explain it in full detail?" he snaps his fingers. "Wing."
The girl escorting M.D. draws the sword off of her back, and with a fancy katana stance, neatly slices off the gag over M.D.'s mouth, then holds the sharp edge of the blade against his neck.
M.D. gulps. "Ahh..."
D.T. growls. "Kai, you Go....!"
"Ah-ah-ah!" K.I. shakes a finger. "Don't even bother, or your friend's head will roll."
T.s. and D.T. share a glance, easily exchanging and dismissing plans over a single second.
"Now, if you don't mind, I have a schedule to keep." K.I.'s easy going attitude falters to a sinister, evil, state. "Give me that kyroncutter, or I will be forced to use force!"
As if on cue, A boy, with another sword on his back, jumps out of the tank. He stands next to the girl holding M.D. captive.
"You will give us that Cell Port..." The girl starts.
"...Or your friend dies." The boy finishes, drawing his own sword.
M.D. gulps. "Guys! I think they mean business!"
"Be Quiet!" The girl snarls in his ear.
"Sorry about this, Ai." D.T. pulls the computer out of it's slot on the vehicle, and turns it around a few times in reminiscing before climbing out and handing the laptop's frame to T.s.
She sighs and walks half way towards the Tank and it's group. "Send the Doc back, you get the computer."
K.I. nods, and his two lackeys push M.D. towards T.s. "Now hand me that circulinaitor thing!"
T.s. looks to M.D., giving a slight gesture to signal him to run at a moment's notice.
He nods.
"Any time now." K.I. growls.
D.T. unties M.D., and nods to T.s.
"Okay...If you want it so bad..." T.s. then tosses the cell into the air and runs back to the car/thing. "GO FETCH!"
"NOOOOO!" K.I. shouts as...
...Two laser guided rockets launch from the front of the Tan vehicle, one hits the much loved laptop, and the other flips K.I.'s Tank onto it's side.
"SAYONARA!" The familiar holographic dragon taunts from the top of the Tan vehicle as it spins ninety degrees and rushes off into the distance.
K.I.'s jaw nearly hits the ground. "Why...Why me...?" He doesn't even look as his tank explodes violently behind him.
The boy and the girl sigh as their boss dissolves into gibberish.
A cylindrical object hurtles through space.
It's mineral composition was earth-bound- nothing about it was foreign, even it's design.
The single line of text on it's surface reads; HYDRO-ELECTRIC-CRYO-UNIT, with the letters H, E, C, and U italicized to form an acronym.
This...canister...holds a precious cargo.
Six biologically varying clones.
Only...due to damage to this canister sustained in it's violent launch from one of Terra-Prime's outer-reach space colonies, one third of the cargo has perished.
The on-board guidance system had also sustained damage, and hence it's radar detecting systems have gone off line, allowing it's one programmed target, Terra-Prime itself, to remain registered as "Un-altered" in the log systems, despite the damage that occurred ten years previous.
The canister begins it's final approach towards Terra-Prime.
One Month.
The Tan vehicle pulls up to an old camping trailer, with no engine, and no tires, that wouldn't move until the vehicle had formed a connection with it.
"Ah, Good ol' house and home!" M.D. sighs as he jumps down from his spot on the right side of the roll cage.
"Yeah yeah yeah." T.s. slides down from the left side of the cage.
D.T. remains silent as he twirls the Memory Circuit, looking like a tiny version of the laptop in of itself, from the for-mentioned device between his fingers. "we'll find out what's coming for us, Ai... I know we will!
"But the question is..."
D.T. Looks to the sky in wonder.
"...Is it good, or bad?"
"What do you want this time, Kai?" T.s. growls.
"Oh, Nothing much." K.I. grins. "Just that fancy tip jar of yours."
"It's LAPTOP." D.T. corrects.
"Yes, yes, your fancy Clip-Car thing-a-ma-bob!" K.I. laughs. "Isn't that what I said?"
"Why do you want Ai for anyways?" T.s. asks.
"Ahh, deer, sweet, Tess." K.I. sighs. "Do I really have to explain it in full detail?" he snaps his fingers. "Wing."
The girl escorting M.D. draws the sword off of her back, and with a fancy katana stance, neatly slices off the gag over M.D.'s mouth, then holds the sharp edge of the blade against his neck.
M.D. gulps. "Ahh..."
D.T. growls. "Kai, you Go....!"
"Ah-ah-ah!" K.I. shakes a finger. "Don't even bother, or your friend's head will roll."
T.s. and D.T. share a glance, easily exchanging and dismissing plans over a single second.
"Now, if you don't mind, I have a schedule to keep." K.I.'s easy going attitude falters to a sinister, evil, state. "Give me that kyroncutter, or I will be forced to use force!"
As if on cue, A boy, with another sword on his back, jumps out of the tank. He stands next to the girl holding M.D. captive.
"You will give us that Cell Port..." The girl starts.
"...Or your friend dies." The boy finishes, drawing his own sword.
M.D. gulps. "Guys! I think they mean business!"
"Be Quiet!" The girl snarls in his ear.
"Sorry about this, Ai." D.T. pulls the computer out of it's slot on the vehicle, and turns it around a few times in reminiscing before climbing out and handing the laptop's frame to T.s.
She sighs and walks half way towards the Tank and it's group. "Send the Doc back, you get the computer."
K.I. nods, and his two lackeys push M.D. towards T.s. "Now hand me that circulinaitor thing!"
T.s. looks to M.D., giving a slight gesture to signal him to run at a moment's notice.
He nods.
"Any time now." K.I. growls.
D.T. unties M.D., and nods to T.s.
"Okay...If you want it so bad..." T.s. then tosses the cell into the air and runs back to the car/thing. "GO FETCH!"
"NOOOOO!" K.I. shouts as...
...Two laser guided rockets launch from the front of the Tan vehicle, one hits the much loved laptop, and the other flips K.I.'s Tank onto it's side.
"SAYONARA!" The familiar holographic dragon taunts from the top of the Tan vehicle as it spins ninety degrees and rushes off into the distance.
K.I.'s jaw nearly hits the ground. "Why...Why me...?" He doesn't even look as his tank explodes violently behind him.
The boy and the girl sigh as their boss dissolves into gibberish.
A cylindrical object hurtles through space.
It's mineral composition was earth-bound- nothing about it was foreign, even it's design.
The single line of text on it's surface reads; HYDRO-ELECTRIC-CRYO-UNIT, with the letters H, E, C, and U italicized to form an acronym.
This...canister...holds a precious cargo.
Six biologically varying clones.
Only...due to damage to this canister sustained in it's violent launch from one of Terra-Prime's outer-reach space colonies, one third of the cargo has perished.
The on-board guidance system had also sustained damage, and hence it's radar detecting systems have gone off line, allowing it's one programmed target, Terra-Prime itself, to remain registered as "Un-altered" in the log systems, despite the damage that occurred ten years previous.
The canister begins it's final approach towards Terra-Prime.
One Month.
The Tan vehicle pulls up to an old camping trailer, with no engine, and no tires, that wouldn't move until the vehicle had formed a connection with it.
"Ah, Good ol' house and home!" M.D. sighs as he jumps down from his spot on the right side of the roll cage.
"Yeah yeah yeah." T.s. slides down from the left side of the cage.
D.T. remains silent as he twirls the Memory Circuit, looking like a tiny version of the laptop in of itself, from the for-mentioned device between his fingers. "we'll find out what's coming for us, Ai... I know we will!
"But the question is..."
D.T. Looks to the sky in wonder.
"...Is it good, or bad?"
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Ahhem. Small update to the Blog.
Well, Take a look to the side here.
See that? It's a list of characters.
See that? It's a list of characters.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER ONE!
Terra prime! Once a beautiful planet, filled with water, trees, and other such marvels- Now nothing more than a desolate wasteland. The Human race, once the planet's masters, now struggles to survive on native-yet-foreign-ground!
The entire population was reduced in an instant, leaving only those beneath the age of twenty un-scathed-and even then, at a cost.
A tan painted, five wheeled vehicle whose name has been long forgotten drives across the wasteland. It's driver, is a boy of age seventeen, who, like all survivors, has little to no memory of life on Terra Prime before the incident.
Including his own name.
This boy, with formerly golden hair- now browned by the sun's rays- and now dark green irises, goes by the title of "D.T.", off of the few pieces of memory he can recall.
A six year old boy with blond hair opens his light green eyes as the building groans around him.
"Wh...wh..." he tries to talk, but finds no words to describe his situation.
He was laying on the floor of what appeared to be an office building.
"What's an office building?" He finally manages to say, and then jumps at the sound of his own voice. "Is...that" the boy blinks, and tries to stand.
Gravity takes over, and the boy starts sliding side wards, into one of those office cubicals- again, how did he know these words?- and into an awaiting, lifeless, cold body.
The boy's instincts immediately react- Grabbing the nearest weapon (which happened to be a stapler laying on the floor) and swinging it into the already dead man's head...
SNAP! sporting a nice shiny piece of metal.
The boy's heart starts to slow down, while his mind speeds up. Where was he? Why was this man dead? Why was he the only one in this building.
Do-Do Do Do!
As if to answer his question, a lap-top on the near-by desk finishes re-starting itself, and the log-in screen, showing the chosen logo for the user account, taunts him with information.
The boy resigns himself, and drags the corpse out of the poor man's former office before returning to the computer.
The user name simply read...
...Dejital Transit System-User: #113.09
D.T. took the first two letters of the account as his own name, for he lacked his own, and easily broke the pass-word on the account.
It was a simple thing.
D.T.- for that was what he was calling himself now- had simply clicked the password hint.
"Type the following: Sayonara Babylon!"
Access to the strangely shaped laptop (a rectangle, with two short corners cut off and two long corners cut off) was then granted. And D.T. hit the jackpot.
"Nice to meet you, new user!"
The computer's A.I. (one of the world's most advanced common computer programs) was intact, and it ran off of solar energy, meaning charging without electricity wouldn't be a problem.
"Ai, how close are we to the drop off?" D.T. asks the computer cell, now mounted into a slot in the vehicle.
"Approximately Four Point Two Miles away." A small, holographic image of a blue scaled, child like dragon appears out of the projector lens on the widest side of the computer. "Dee, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
The boy raises an eyebrow. "About what?"
"Well..." The A.I. seems to shrug. "I don't know what it is really, but tapped into the old satellite grid last night..."
"Spit it out already." D.T. frowns. "I hate it when people trail off like that."
"Sorry." The holo-dragon sighs. "...I detected something heading at high velocity towards our sub-spatial location."
D.T. slams the breaks.
"What? Is it another meteor? Like the one that...?" He panics.
"No no!" The A.I. dismisses the through. "It's way too small for that!"
"Ai, how big is it?" D.T. glances to the blue and green planet-chunk above him.
"No bigger than this scout car." The A.I. replies. "But it's metallic. Earth native elements from what I could read."
D.T. runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Tess'll want to hear about this." he shifts gears and heads off towards the dig site once more.
A few minutes later, he presses the breaks once again, and pulls a donut, coming to a halt next to a crater that seemed to be dug out by hand.
D.T. kills the engine, then climbs out. He looks down into the crater and sighs.
A girl with long, brown hair and nearly orange eyes was seemingly talking to herself. This girl was his friend, currently going by the name "T.S."- though, the pronunciation of this always came out as "Tess."
They had met years ago, not too long after the...well, you know by now.
D.T. sighs as he looks out over the barren wasteland where an ocean had once resided.
Gulley, hills, mountains, and valleys, and lots of dead fish.
D.T. glances to his left, then to his right.
Left was down south, warmer. Right was up north, colder.
"Ai, where do we go?" He asks the computer resting gently inside his backpack.
A holographic dragon, blue colored, yet smaller than the one we've already seen in the present, appears on his shoulder. "West is the way we've been going, but I don't think we can climb down that side of the oceanic floor in one piece. So...I don't know, Dee."
D.T. goes to nod, but freezes as he feels a sharp, round, metallic object press into the back of his neck.
"Don't move a mussel." Comes a voice that, though not much older than D.T. himself, has an older sounding tone to it. Add to the fact that it's immediately recognizable as a girl's voice, D.T. and the Computer A.I. are very confused.
D.T. turns his head slightly. "Now, I don't..."
"I-I said D-Don't move!" The girl behind him stammers. "I've got a gun!"
This changes the situation, quite a bit.
Rule one of the end of the world: Find a weapon.
D.T. just happened to have a nice little Energy field manipulator (liberated from the offices where he woke up) resting next to the computer in his backpack. Too bad he couldn't reach it currently. "O-okay." he starts, calmly. "I'm not here to hurt you or..."
"Urusai! Now give me that computer!" the girl's supposed gun presses deeper into D.T.'s neck, and gives away a very important clue.
"Hey, That's not a gun!"
The girl blinks her orange-ish eyes. "W-what? Of course it's a...!"
"Really? I have to dis-agree, it feels more like a piece of plastic piping than a gun." D.T. agrees.
The Holodragon nods enthusiastically, and D.T. turns to face his would be attacker.
She wasn't even a month older, maybe less though, and her hair was a light brown- which would eventually darken to it's present day shade- and, exactly as was guessed, a PVC pipe was firmly griped in her hands.
"Why'd you want my computer for anyways?" D.T. asks.
", I needed this guys laptop for it's circuit board so I could fix this trans-Atlantic communication system so I could try to contact one of the other terra-clones." T.s. continues to the beetle. "So, I grabbed a near by pipe, held him up at 'gun point', saying it was a gun, when it was really a metallic pipe, and then he...!"
"And then I introduced myself." D.T. finishes from his perch on the edge of the dug out crater.
T.s jumps as the beetle tunnels into the ground. "Dee! Don't scare me like that!"
"Oh, come on, Tess!" he laughs. "You know how the Doc gets when he has something important to show us."
T.s. blinks. "When did he say that?"
"About half an hour ago, he radioed both of us, you didn't reply, I came looking." D.T. explains.
T.s. pulls out- then timidly holds up- a smashed Radio from her pocket. "It fell and my shovel..."
"Tess..." D.T. sighs, then stands up. "It's okay, I needed Radio parts anyways. Now, then. Off to Doc's little crater of mystery?"
T.s grins. "Sounds fine by me."
A moment later, and the five wheeled vehicle races off into the desert.
T.s., hanging loosely onto the outside of the roll cage, grins as she watches the barren wasteland rush past. "You know, for a place that used to be filled with water, the Indian Ocean sure is...dry."
"Yeah yeah." D.T. laughs.
"Soooo..." T.s starts. "Got any clue what's up?"
D.T. shakes his head. "Nary a thought."
T.s. frowns. "So, for all we could be a...Giant waste of time?"
"It could be a giant whale skeleton." D.T. shrugs. "Or, it could be a giant under ground cavern."
"Or it could be something that no-body ever thought of!" The A.I. program speaks up.
"Is that so, eh?" T.s. grins.
"Knowing the Doc though, it's probably something that'll either help us out greatly, or send us to..." D.T. Trails off as he presses the breaks, nearly throwing T.s. off.
"Ow! Hey! What do you think you're...?!" T.s. also trails off as she sees what's before them.
"Why, hello yet again, Scavengers." Says a tall, nearly nineteen year old man with purple-near-black colored hair under the title K.I. as he climbs out of an old U.S. Military issue Tank. "What a...'surprise' to see you both again!" he laughs.
Two figures dismount the tank next, one bound and gagged, and the other escorting him.
"Doc!" T.s and D.T. gasp in shock.
Their favorite Medical Doctor with light brown hair, and near crimson eyes was being held hostage.
"Or should I rephrase..." K.I. laughs. "What a surprise to see you ALL again!"
"Oi, Doc, what'd you get your self into this time?" D.T. mutters.
Terra prime! Once a beautiful planet, filled with water, trees, and other such marvels- Now nothing more than a desolate wasteland. The Human race, once the planet's masters, now struggles to survive on native-yet-foreign-ground!
The entire population was reduced in an instant, leaving only those beneath the age of twenty un-scathed-and even then, at a cost.
A tan painted, five wheeled vehicle whose name has been long forgotten drives across the wasteland. It's driver, is a boy of age seventeen, who, like all survivors, has little to no memory of life on Terra Prime before the incident.
Including his own name.
This boy, with formerly golden hair- now browned by the sun's rays- and now dark green irises, goes by the title of "D.T.", off of the few pieces of memory he can recall.
A six year old boy with blond hair opens his light green eyes as the building groans around him.
"Wh...wh..." he tries to talk, but finds no words to describe his situation.
He was laying on the floor of what appeared to be an office building.
"What's an office building?" He finally manages to say, and then jumps at the sound of his own voice. "Is...that" the boy blinks, and tries to stand.
Gravity takes over, and the boy starts sliding side wards, into one of those office cubicals- again, how did he know these words?- and into an awaiting, lifeless, cold body.
The boy's instincts immediately react- Grabbing the nearest weapon (which happened to be a stapler laying on the floor) and swinging it into the already dead man's head...
SNAP! sporting a nice shiny piece of metal.
The boy's heart starts to slow down, while his mind speeds up. Where was he? Why was this man dead? Why was he the only one in this building.
Do-Do Do Do!
As if to answer his question, a lap-top on the near-by desk finishes re-starting itself, and the log-in screen, showing the chosen logo for the user account, taunts him with information.
The boy resigns himself, and drags the corpse out of the poor man's former office before returning to the computer.
The user name simply read...
...Dejital Transit System-User: #113.09
D.T. took the first two letters of the account as his own name, for he lacked his own, and easily broke the pass-word on the account.
It was a simple thing.
D.T.- for that was what he was calling himself now- had simply clicked the password hint.
"Type the following: Sayonara Babylon!"
Access to the strangely shaped laptop (a rectangle, with two short corners cut off and two long corners cut off) was then granted. And D.T. hit the jackpot.
"Nice to meet you, new user!"
The computer's A.I. (one of the world's most advanced common computer programs) was intact, and it ran off of solar energy, meaning charging without electricity wouldn't be a problem.
"Ai, how close are we to the drop off?" D.T. asks the computer cell, now mounted into a slot in the vehicle.
"Approximately Four Point Two Miles away." A small, holographic image of a blue scaled, child like dragon appears out of the projector lens on the widest side of the computer. "Dee, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
The boy raises an eyebrow. "About what?"
"Well..." The A.I. seems to shrug. "I don't know what it is really, but tapped into the old satellite grid last night..."
"Spit it out already." D.T. frowns. "I hate it when people trail off like that."
"Sorry." The holo-dragon sighs. "...I detected something heading at high velocity towards our sub-spatial location."
D.T. slams the breaks.
"What? Is it another meteor? Like the one that...?" He panics.
"No no!" The A.I. dismisses the through. "It's way too small for that!"
"Ai, how big is it?" D.T. glances to the blue and green planet-chunk above him.
"No bigger than this scout car." The A.I. replies. "But it's metallic. Earth native elements from what I could read."
D.T. runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Tess'll want to hear about this." he shifts gears and heads off towards the dig site once more.
A few minutes later, he presses the breaks once again, and pulls a donut, coming to a halt next to a crater that seemed to be dug out by hand.
D.T. kills the engine, then climbs out. He looks down into the crater and sighs.
A girl with long, brown hair and nearly orange eyes was seemingly talking to herself. This girl was his friend, currently going by the name "T.S."- though, the pronunciation of this always came out as "Tess."
They had met years ago, not too long after the...well, you know by now.
D.T. sighs as he looks out over the barren wasteland where an ocean had once resided.
Gulley, hills, mountains, and valleys, and lots of dead fish.
D.T. glances to his left, then to his right.
Left was down south, warmer. Right was up north, colder.
"Ai, where do we go?" He asks the computer resting gently inside his backpack.
A holographic dragon, blue colored, yet smaller than the one we've already seen in the present, appears on his shoulder. "West is the way we've been going, but I don't think we can climb down that side of the oceanic floor in one piece. So...I don't know, Dee."
D.T. goes to nod, but freezes as he feels a sharp, round, metallic object press into the back of his neck.
"Don't move a mussel." Comes a voice that, though not much older than D.T. himself, has an older sounding tone to it. Add to the fact that it's immediately recognizable as a girl's voice, D.T. and the Computer A.I. are very confused.
D.T. turns his head slightly. "Now, I don't..."
"I-I said D-Don't move!" The girl behind him stammers. "I've got a gun!"
This changes the situation, quite a bit.
Rule one of the end of the world: Find a weapon.
D.T. just happened to have a nice little Energy field manipulator (liberated from the offices where he woke up) resting next to the computer in his backpack. Too bad he couldn't reach it currently. "O-okay." he starts, calmly. "I'm not here to hurt you or..."
"Urusai! Now give me that computer!" the girl's supposed gun presses deeper into D.T.'s neck, and gives away a very important clue.
"Hey, That's not a gun!"
The girl blinks her orange-ish eyes. "W-what? Of course it's a...!"
"Really? I have to dis-agree, it feels more like a piece of plastic piping than a gun." D.T. agrees.
The Holodragon nods enthusiastically, and D.T. turns to face his would be attacker.
She wasn't even a month older, maybe less though, and her hair was a light brown- which would eventually darken to it's present day shade- and, exactly as was guessed, a PVC pipe was firmly griped in her hands.
"Why'd you want my computer for anyways?" D.T. asks.
", I needed this guys laptop for it's circuit board so I could fix this trans-Atlantic communication system so I could try to contact one of the other terra-clones." T.s. continues to the beetle. "So, I grabbed a near by pipe, held him up at 'gun point', saying it was a gun, when it was really a metallic pipe, and then he...!"
"And then I introduced myself." D.T. finishes from his perch on the edge of the dug out crater.
T.s jumps as the beetle tunnels into the ground. "Dee! Don't scare me like that!"
"Oh, come on, Tess!" he laughs. "You know how the Doc gets when he has something important to show us."
T.s. blinks. "When did he say that?"
"About half an hour ago, he radioed both of us, you didn't reply, I came looking." D.T. explains.
T.s. pulls out- then timidly holds up- a smashed Radio from her pocket. "It fell and my shovel..."
"Tess..." D.T. sighs, then stands up. "It's okay, I needed Radio parts anyways. Now, then. Off to Doc's little crater of mystery?"
T.s grins. "Sounds fine by me."
A moment later, and the five wheeled vehicle races off into the desert.
T.s., hanging loosely onto the outside of the roll cage, grins as she watches the barren wasteland rush past. "You know, for a place that used to be filled with water, the Indian Ocean sure is...dry."
"Yeah yeah." D.T. laughs.
"Soooo..." T.s starts. "Got any clue what's up?"
D.T. shakes his head. "Nary a thought."
T.s. frowns. "So, for all we could be a...Giant waste of time?"
"It could be a giant whale skeleton." D.T. shrugs. "Or, it could be a giant under ground cavern."
"Or it could be something that no-body ever thought of!" The A.I. program speaks up.
"Is that so, eh?" T.s. grins.
"Knowing the Doc though, it's probably something that'll either help us out greatly, or send us to..." D.T. Trails off as he presses the breaks, nearly throwing T.s. off.
"Ow! Hey! What do you think you're...?!" T.s. also trails off as she sees what's before them.
"Why, hello yet again, Scavengers." Says a tall, nearly nineteen year old man with purple-near-black colored hair under the title K.I. as he climbs out of an old U.S. Military issue Tank. "What a...'surprise' to see you both again!" he laughs.
Two figures dismount the tank next, one bound and gagged, and the other escorting him.
"Doc!" T.s and D.T. gasp in shock.
Their favorite Medical Doctor with light brown hair, and near crimson eyes was being held hostage.
"Or should I rephrase..." K.I. laughs. "What a surprise to see you ALL again!"
"Oi, Doc, what'd you get your self into this time?" D.T. mutters.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sayonara Babylon! CHAPTER ZERO!
"In the year Twenty-four, Thirty-One, Mankind had flourished from his native planet, Terra-prime. Space Colonies had been launched, and plannets had been setteled Colonized. For the Terra-bound inhabitants, space had been their crowning achievement. Mankind gained technology beyond their natural development, energy weapons, floating cars. In essence: Science fiction became Science fact. Due to colonizing efforts, Terra-prime's swelling population at that time dwindled to sub-standard heights.
Terra-prime was a place of beauty and happiness.
This would not last.
In twenty-four, fourty-two, A planet, at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy's interrior, was discovered. This world was bigger than anything ever imagined, and was made of minerals not found anywhere else in the known universe.
When a science team tried to examine one of the naitive rocks on this un-inhabbited world, everything changed. The minerals inside the chamber reacted with eachother, and created a wave of energy which-when combined with the radation of the near by sun-caused the planet's core to overload.
The Scientists attempted to send a message back to Tera-Prime of their discoveries, but they did not succeed.
The planet exploded, shattered into seemingly microscopic pieces. Each piece, just slightly smaller than Tera-Prime's own Moon, was sent out into the galaxy. Most would drift aimlessly into the black of space with no target in sight within a melenium. But some, random pieces, were sent into populated cultures.
No-one knew of this disaster, and no-one would until it was too late."
A meteroite, smaller than the earth's moon, rushes past Pluto, and Neptune, straight towards the thrid planet from the sun.
This meteroite smashes through Saturn's rings, and sending the planet's magnetic ballence off ballence. It rushes past Jupiter, and inturn magnifying the storm on it's surface a thousand times more.
"The Colony on Mars spotted this danger, and relayed it to Terra-Prime, warning them of the imminent danger.
Terra-Prime's ecologists had little time to react, as all contact to Mars was lost with-in moments of the meteroite passing by the red-hued planet."
The meteroite smashes through Earth's moon, adding the satelite's mass into it's own. However, this impact changes the meteroite's course, sending it into a circular orbit once around earth, immediately destroying the planet's fragile magnet field's ballence.
"The meteroite slingshot itself away from Terra-prime, and towards the yellow star that it's inhabbitants called their sun.
Meanwhile, Terra prime's magnetic field was in chaos. All over the planet, sections of the planet were cut off from the rest by spheres of gravity and magnetic wells.
The loss of the magnetic field resulted in mankind's oldest inhabitants going insane, and it's youngest to black out.
When the meteroite finially impacted the Sun of this system, it ignited the gasses contained inside in ways not thought possible.
A wave of energy errupted from the solar surface, and expanded out into the solar system. Likewise, this happened in other populated environments, with equaly dramatic effects.
The magneticly off ballence planets, when hit by this wave, shattered. They shattered, just like the planet that had began this madness. But, due to the strange magnetic fields formed by the meteroite on Terra-prime, this shattering caused the system's planet count of Nine (or was it eight? The book doesn't say!) to multiply to that numbering in the dozzens.
Terra-Prime was now a barren wasteland."
The Earth now looks to something akin to Swiss cheese, only with the missing chunks floating around the now larger (though not much hotter) sun.
"Those that survivved, I think you can guess, were not happy with this development. Especially due to the fact that those above the age of nineteen had died due to the insanity caused by the meteroite; those that survivved, I think you can guess, were those under that death line."
A girl, with brown tinted hair, sighs as she plows her shovel into the arid soil. "And why am I telling you this?" She waves her hand in the air as if to mock a greeting. "It's because..." she huffs and throws a shovel full of dirt out of the hole and onto the ground behind her. "...What else am I supposed to do?"
The red hued beetle sitting on a nearby rock gives no reply.
"And here I am, explaining what happened ten years ago to a beetle that's probably no more than three." The girl sighs. "But, that's really all any of us can do right now."
The beetle binks it's green eyes.
"You know...I don't think your species ever existed before the whole 'Explosion' thing." The girl muses. "I certainly don't remember any red tinted beetles with green eyes and silver metalic horns existing before...But, then again, I was only six then."
The beetle seems to understand, and yet, at the same time, does not.
The girl sighs as she presses the shovel deeper into the water-lacking dirt. "I'm like you, ya know."
The beetle blinks, as if to say "How so?"
"We both scavange the sands, we both dig for what's burried, any sign of life, remaining below the surface." The girl sighs, pulls out a water bottle, and drains out the last few drops into her mouth. "When everything know...All of Terra's water got shoe-horned onto a bunch of different pieces, and yet none of it remained here on Terra itself." She looks up to the sky, spotting one of the nearrest plannet-chunks showing through the day-light sky.
Half Blue, Half Green. Water and Trees.
"You know...I haven't seen a tree in years."
The beetle looks confused.
"You've probably never even heard of a tree." the girl sighs, and colapses to the ground, the reserves of her energy almost depleted. "Man...It's hot..." she looks to the beetle, and smiles. "I wonder if he'll let me keep you..." her throughts are cut off as a loud sound cuts through the air. "Right on cue..."
The girl sighs, pushes herself off the ground, and climbs out of the hole, pausing only briefly to look to the beetle. "You wanna come with?" she asks.
The beetle shakes it's head, seemingly saying "another time, perhaps."
The girl nods. "Okay then." she salutes the insect, and exits the newest crater on the already crater-ized planet.
The beetle tunnels into the dirt, returning to it's home, as the girl waves down the battered vehical driving towards her location.
Neither of them knew the dangers that the planet had already faced were nothing compared to what was comming.
"In the year Twenty-four, Thirty-One, Mankind had flourished from his native planet, Terra-prime. Space Colonies had been launched, and plannets had been setteled Colonized. For the Terra-bound inhabitants, space had been their crowning achievement. Mankind gained technology beyond their natural development, energy weapons, floating cars. In essence: Science fiction became Science fact. Due to colonizing efforts, Terra-prime's swelling population at that time dwindled to sub-standard heights.
Terra-prime was a place of beauty and happiness.
This would not last.
In twenty-four, fourty-two, A planet, at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy's interrior, was discovered. This world was bigger than anything ever imagined, and was made of minerals not found anywhere else in the known universe.
When a science team tried to examine one of the naitive rocks on this un-inhabbited world, everything changed. The minerals inside the chamber reacted with eachother, and created a wave of energy which-when combined with the radation of the near by sun-caused the planet's core to overload.
The Scientists attempted to send a message back to Tera-Prime of their discoveries, but they did not succeed.
The planet exploded, shattered into seemingly microscopic pieces. Each piece, just slightly smaller than Tera-Prime's own Moon, was sent out into the galaxy. Most would drift aimlessly into the black of space with no target in sight within a melenium. But some, random pieces, were sent into populated cultures.
No-one knew of this disaster, and no-one would until it was too late."
A meteroite, smaller than the earth's moon, rushes past Pluto, and Neptune, straight towards the thrid planet from the sun.
This meteroite smashes through Saturn's rings, and sending the planet's magnetic ballence off ballence. It rushes past Jupiter, and inturn magnifying the storm on it's surface a thousand times more.
"The Colony on Mars spotted this danger, and relayed it to Terra-Prime, warning them of the imminent danger.
Terra-Prime's ecologists had little time to react, as all contact to Mars was lost with-in moments of the meteroite passing by the red-hued planet."
The meteroite smashes through Earth's moon, adding the satelite's mass into it's own. However, this impact changes the meteroite's course, sending it into a circular orbit once around earth, immediately destroying the planet's fragile magnet field's ballence.
"The meteroite slingshot itself away from Terra-prime, and towards the yellow star that it's inhabbitants called their sun.
Meanwhile, Terra prime's magnetic field was in chaos. All over the planet, sections of the planet were cut off from the rest by spheres of gravity and magnetic wells.
The loss of the magnetic field resulted in mankind's oldest inhabitants going insane, and it's youngest to black out.
When the meteroite finially impacted the Sun of this system, it ignited the gasses contained inside in ways not thought possible.
A wave of energy errupted from the solar surface, and expanded out into the solar system. Likewise, this happened in other populated environments, with equaly dramatic effects.
The magneticly off ballence planets, when hit by this wave, shattered. They shattered, just like the planet that had began this madness. But, due to the strange magnetic fields formed by the meteroite on Terra-prime, this shattering caused the system's planet count of Nine (or was it eight? The book doesn't say!) to multiply to that numbering in the dozzens.
Terra-Prime was now a barren wasteland."
The Earth now looks to something akin to Swiss cheese, only with the missing chunks floating around the now larger (though not much hotter) sun.
"Those that survivved, I think you can guess, were not happy with this development. Especially due to the fact that those above the age of nineteen had died due to the insanity caused by the meteroite; those that survivved, I think you can guess, were those under that death line."
A girl, with brown tinted hair, sighs as she plows her shovel into the arid soil. "And why am I telling you this?" She waves her hand in the air as if to mock a greeting. "It's because..." she huffs and throws a shovel full of dirt out of the hole and onto the ground behind her. "...What else am I supposed to do?"
The red hued beetle sitting on a nearby rock gives no reply.
"And here I am, explaining what happened ten years ago to a beetle that's probably no more than three." The girl sighs. "But, that's really all any of us can do right now."
The beetle binks it's green eyes.
"You know...I don't think your species ever existed before the whole 'Explosion' thing." The girl muses. "I certainly don't remember any red tinted beetles with green eyes and silver metalic horns existing before...But, then again, I was only six then."
The beetle seems to understand, and yet, at the same time, does not.
The girl sighs as she presses the shovel deeper into the water-lacking dirt. "I'm like you, ya know."
The beetle blinks, as if to say "How so?"
"We both scavange the sands, we both dig for what's burried, any sign of life, remaining below the surface." The girl sighs, pulls out a water bottle, and drains out the last few drops into her mouth. "When everything know...All of Terra's water got shoe-horned onto a bunch of different pieces, and yet none of it remained here on Terra itself." She looks up to the sky, spotting one of the nearrest plannet-chunks showing through the day-light sky.
Half Blue, Half Green. Water and Trees.
"You know...I haven't seen a tree in years."
The beetle looks confused.
"You've probably never even heard of a tree." the girl sighs, and colapses to the ground, the reserves of her energy almost depleted. "Man...It's hot..." she looks to the beetle, and smiles. "I wonder if he'll let me keep you..." her throughts are cut off as a loud sound cuts through the air. "Right on cue..."
The girl sighs, pushes herself off the ground, and climbs out of the hole, pausing only briefly to look to the beetle. "You wanna come with?" she asks.
The beetle shakes it's head, seemingly saying "another time, perhaps."
The girl nods. "Okay then." she salutes the insect, and exits the newest crater on the already crater-ized planet.
The beetle tunnels into the dirt, returning to it's home, as the girl waves down the battered vehical driving towards her location.
Neither of them knew the dangers that the planet had already faced were nothing compared to what was comming.
Welcome to the Sayonara Babylon! Blogspot! What is this you ask? It's an ongoing story I've decided to write in Manga style, and, should I ever learn how to draw, Actually draw!
The main idea came about like this: I had a dream. This story was a manga first, then an anime movie. Nice, eh? I doubt it'll actually happen, but, a guy can dream, right?
Well, Nothing else to say.
Ja ne! See Ya!
The main idea came about like this: I had a dream. This story was a manga first, then an anime movie. Nice, eh? I doubt it'll actually happen, but, a guy can dream, right?
Well, Nothing else to say.
Ja ne! See Ya!
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